That said, I am happy to say that I have been hitting all my runs this and last month. I run about 11kms on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a long, slow run (16km) on the weekend. Woohoo. However, all of these runs have been on routes that have hills. John says they are not big hills, but they are for me. So I have a bit of pain in my right achilles and it feels really bruised just to the right of my inside right ankle. I am not sure if this has to do with the achilles but I have been stretching it like crazy. To be safe I am going to take a week off from running. Plus my left IT band is tight. The good ol' foam roller aka pool noodle is back in action. It is not enough pain to even notice really when I am running but it is there. I figure as I am just base training now there is no need to push that hard. can afford to rest for a bit.
John and I resting while on my first century ride! :) |
With regards to my swimming, I have only been in the pool once in the last month. I felt good but I hate the fact that our pool hours SUCK the big one. It is the Wayne Gretzky Centre for crying out loud. You would think that they'd have more then just one hour or one and a half hours of length swimming in the evening. They have length swimming in the mornings for a measly hour long and it starts at 7am. Well I have to be at work by 8am so this does not work for me and I am sure not for many others. I personally, like to come home, get my workout in and then unwind for the day. Not come home rush to make supper, half ass relax, then go to the pool at 8:30pm, home at 9:45pm, then unwind and try to go to bed. Like I said, it SUCKS! The good news is that the Centre is undergoing a $50M+ renovation project right now and it includes the construction of another 25M pool. I HOPE that this is strickly for lap swimming with better, more convenient hours! Lets keep our fingers crossed!!